Sunday, October 17, 2010

Some experiments fail...

Few things in the world are as delicious as real, homemade caramel. I'm not just talking about eating it, but the experience of making it.  To make caramel is to witness, with all of your senses, the transformation of sugar to pure heaven... first, listen to the sizzle, then watch the color change to golden, eventually, smell the buttery aroma, and then, finally, to taste the ooey-gooey gorgeous goodness...

Just make sure you have a spatula that can properly hold the heat... as you can see I didn't totally think that one through. I have since learned you can buy rubber spatulas which can withstand up to 400 degrees F. 
After I remade the caramel I mixed it together with a merengue base to make a fluffy caramel butter cream. This requires EXTRAORDINARY patience... if you do it before the caramel is completely cool, the caramel will just melt the merengue. Which mine did. Oops.

Hey, everything worthwhile is going to have some challenges. And it still tasted pretty damn good.

So I'm Jess, that's me on the left in purple (my favorite color) and I'm excited to finally start my blog, like a decade after all the cool kids started theirs, but that's ok. I consider my cooking, and my life, as a process of translating ideas to creation through experimentation. Lots of those experiments yield results other than what you might expect... these can be the most valuable learning experiences. And, sometimes, even more fun and delicious! 

About Me

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My loves of science, food, and photography have converged upon this blog. I'm always looking to try new things and to share those experiences with others.